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roofing contractors in Harford County MD

Torch Down Roofing Installation

Torch-down roofing is one of the most long-lasting and weather-resistant roofing methods. Many contractors like it because of its excellent performance in withstanding extreme weather conditions and its energy-saving properties. It is important to know what kind of roofing your commercial company has or, if you’re looking to get a new roof, what kind of roofing is out there. Home Crafters, roofing contractors in Harford County, MD, share about one type of commercial roofing called torch down roofing.

How is Torch down Roofing Installed?

Torch-down roofing is a method of roofing that is also called “torch-on” roofing because it uses an open-flame propane torch. This method uses modified bitumen to seal off your roof and make it leak-resistant. The installation professional uses a propane torch to heat the bitumen into a layer that will roll and stick onto your rooftop in a very resistant sheet. Once the bitumen cools, it melts on your rooftop and creates a waterproof seal.

How Does Torch Down Roofing Work?

First, roofing contractors in Harford County, MD, modify bitumen with either rubber or plastic to create a membrane that will withstand any weather condition. Furthermore, the combination gives the roof a high reflectivity to the hazardous UV rays that are prone to alter the chemical compounds, weaken your roof, and run up your AC bill.

Second, the modification of plastic and bitumen in torch-down roofing makes it an excellent crack-free layer. The combination can expand when it is hot and contract during cold weather without cracking. It, therefore, means that you have an all-weather roof that won’t leave you worrying when weather conditions get extreme.

Finally, Torch Down roofing can be used on flat or low-slop roofs. Torch-down roofing has all your roof-safety worries taken care of because it doesn’t disregard the kind of roof you have on your business’ building.

Contact Roofing Contractors in Harford County, MD

If you are a resident of Maryland and are at a crossroads on any matters of roofing, Home Crafters Roofing & Contracting should be your next call. For the past forty years, we have been of the top roofing contractors in Harford County, MD, and Baltimore, MD metro area. We value our customers and our work, ensuring a pleasant experience from start to finish.


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