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The Value of Certified Roofing Contractors

When it comes to settling for the ideal roofing contractors, integrity, trust, experience and expertise are some of the attributes you want to associate with the company. Your ultimate goal is to identify a company that can diligently and efficiently handle any roofing job, from the installation of a single ply system to mob bit roofs. So, read on to learn more about what a certified roofer is, and why it’s important to find one for your project.

Why Hire a Certified Roofer?

Among the things you want to consider before hiring, one big one is whether the contractor has professional certifications. Roofing companies must be fully licensed, so don’t skimp on that. Some of the certifications your contractor should produce include:

  • Manufacturing certifications: A contractor who is verified by a leading roofing brand guarantees superior product quality and solid warranties.
  • Insurance coverage: The company should have at least two policies, including liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance.

Hiring a certified roofing contractor means you are at an advantage of getting advice on the best roofing solutions. The repairs or Roof installations will also be completed to quality industry standards, meaning there will be low chances of premature failure.

The Risk of Hiring Unqualified Roofing Contractors

While unqualified roofers tend to be a lot less expensive than their qualified counterparts, this is a shortcut that could eventually cost you a lot more. It could result in poor workmanship, fines and legal consequences. Most roofing product manufacturers give certifications to qualified roofers.

If your contractor doesn’t have state license, the chances are that you are hiring someone unqualified in handling the product they are erecting on your roof. Should there be a hitch in the process, you will stand uncovered by extended warranties.

Some uncertified contractors fail to pay suppliers and subcontractors after completing the job. This would leave you in a position where you would be liable for unpaid bills. failure to pay would result in a lien on your property until the bill is settled. Note; an uncertified contractor cannot face a court hearing, meaning you do not have recourse to pursue them.

Benefits of Hiring a Certified Roofer

Hiring a licensed roofing company or contractor has numerous benefits, including:

  • They know the industry: They are informed on the latest and best roofing practices.
  • They don’t demand illegal payments: Licensed roofers start off work once given at least 10 percent down payment. They don’t demand for the full payment upfront.
  • They carry insurance: Certified roofers produce insurance coverage, such as workers’ compensation and liability insurance to give you assurance of protection against property damage and injury.

If you are looking for qualified and insured roofing contractors, Home Crafters is your the solution. Contact us today to learn how our certifications can benefit you.

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